Each year we choose a local charity to raise funds for at our Summer Charity Golf Day. Some of the recipients have included Porthcawl RNLI, Horations Garden, Meddwl and Prostate Cymru.
We also support a long list of local and national causes in their fundraising activities.
The Clubs reputation nationally and internationally attract tourists to Wales and Porthcawl. This has been of significant benefit to local businesses, specifically hotels and restaurants.
Our kitchen team are devoted to sourcing fresh, quality produce from local suppliers, and carry out regular visits to suppliers to better understand the 'farm to fork' cycle. We also have our own secret herb garden!
The Club are working with The R&A and Oleo Ecology to deliver an exciting new 5-year project which has the aim of demonstrating the biodiversity value of golf courses. Please click here for the Year One report.
The Dunes at Kenfig Burrows and Merthyr Mawr Warren are designated a National Nature Reserve and Special Areas of Conservation. Once part of a massive dune system these two important ecosystems are now separated by the limestone pavement of Porthcawl Coast, two golf courses and settled farmland.
The above project has facilitated the collaboration of nature reserve managers, landowners, golf clubs and farmers to sustainably manage the coastal landscape, improve the ecosystems, increase biodiversity and connectivity between the two dune systems, exploring the benefits of this management for people, businesses and communities.
As a result of the project, we were the first Club in Wales to be awarded GEO certification which reflects our commitment towards sustainability.
The Club provide work experience for local students in all departments including administration, golf course maintenance and hospitality.
We are proud to have some Welsh speaking staff who can offer a truly Welsh experience.